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Paris and Normandy
Finished Public

Paris and Normandy

Route info
2797 Kilometres
14 Days
45 Waypoints


Day 1
Zürich, Schweiz

Geneva, Switzerland
60, Route de Colovrex, Le Grand-Saconnex, Geneva, 1218, Switzerland

Day 2
Fahrt von Genf nach Paris

Camping de Paris
2, Allée du Bord-de-l'Eau, 75016, Paris, France

Day 3
Fahrt nch Giverny

Stellplatz Giverny, Normandy, France
D 5, 27620, France


Ortschaft Giverny

Day 4
Besuch des Monet-Garten

Flower Camping l'Ile des Trois Rois
1, rue Gilles Nicolle, 27700, LES ANDELYS, France